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ACHE Panel: Equity of Care

Quality of care should not vary on the basis of the patients’ socioeconomic, ethnic, gender, or geographic background. It is known, however, that there is a healthcare divide in the U.S. especially in vulnerable populations including those lacking health insurance, low-income families, racial and ethnic minorities, and LGBTQ populations. The Affordable Care Act aimed to address access and equity of care issues by expanding health insurance coverage. Deficits in access to care change the way healthcare is delivered and financed.

To embrace diversity is a core principle of the healthcare management profession and is also an ethical and business imperative. Healthcare organizations must ensure their staff is educated on disparities to appropriately address the needs of patients from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds to provide equitable high-quality care to all. It has been shown that patient-centered care improves clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction while reducing medical errors and costs. Eliminating healthcare disparities provides a strategic component to ensure organizational excellence and long-term financial viability.

Moderator: Dr. Scott Rodgers, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Chair of the Department of Psychiatry and co-director of UMMC's Center for Gender and Sexual Minority Health

Dr. Stephan Davis, Assistant Professor at The University of North Texas Health Science Center, ACHE Regent-at-Large, & Chair of the ACHE LGBTQ Forum
Dr. Victor Sutton, Mississippi State Department of Health, Director of the Office of Preventive Health and Health Equity
11/12/2021 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Central Standard Time
Webinar Info: Please Read Look for An Email To Confirm Event Registration

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