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ACHE Panel: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The communities for which healthcare organizations operate are rapidly diversifying. Not only do they provide care for a diverse community of patients and families, but their workforce is also changing, and at times does not reflect the patient community. This diversity is exhibited in a number of ways, including ethnicity, race, religion, socioeconomic status, language, age, sexual orientation/gender identity, and physical ability. The business implications and imperatives healthcare organizations face concerning diversity, equity, and inclusion are immense. Diverse communities often require different care needs, improved quality, new or modified operational processes and services, and strategic planning for a varied patient demographic. The continuum of care will need to be considered to best meet the needs of these communities. It is incumbent on healthcare organizations and their leaders to both understand and embrace the needs of diverse populations. Leader’s abilities to respond to the needs and preferences of a broader customer base will be critical to their financial and operational success.

Moderator: Latrinda Riley, Trialcard, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 

Dr. Chigozie Udemgba, Mississippi State Department of Health, Director of the Office of Health Equity
Dr. Juanyce Taylor, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Ms. Taheti Watson, Canopy, Chief Diversity and Engagement Officer

11/10/2021 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Central Standard Time
Webinar Info: Please Read Look for An Email To Confirm Event Registration

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