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Do-It Yourself Valuations for Hospitals and Health Systems

Do-it-Yourself Valuations for Hospitals and Health Systems
Wednesday, June 16 | 11:00 am
FREE for MHA Members

While internal valuations are still allowable under Stark Law, when and how should they be done, and how are they impacted by new regulatory guidance and the pandemic? Ideal for hospital and health-system in-house counsel and advisors faced with new challenges ensuring referral-source arrangements are consistent with "fair market value", this webinar will discuss the impact of new guidance and how to adjust internal valuation processes to remain compliant. 

AUDIENCE: Hospital and health system administrators and in-house counsel. 


Participants will walk away with an understanding of: 
- How the new regulations change the valuation need 
- How the pandemic has changed the valuation need 
- How to work within the new guidance to ensure compliance 
- What valuation options exists in light of the new guidance 
- When an internal appraisal is sufficient and best practices for internal evaluations
- Impact of COVID pandemic on internal evaluations


Albert "Chip" Hutzler, JD, MBA, CVA
Chip is a valuation director and compliance consultant for HORNE healthcare focused on helping clients comply with various health laws that impact them, including Stark, Anti-Kickback, False Claims Act, HIPAA, EMTALA, Medicare Conditions of Participation, IRS Regulations and state and local healthcare laws.

Chip also serves as a legal advisor and subject matter expert advising clients and project teams on the design and implementation of federally-funded recovery programs established as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. He guides the development of policies and procedures and processing of eligibility and awards to ensure compliance with federal laws and regulations.

With over 20 years of experience as a financial analyst and over 25 years as an attorney, Chip is a published author and regular speaker on healthcare and legal compliance issues and an active member in several healthcare industry associations.

He holds the degrees of Bachelor of Arts from the University of Pennsylvania, Master of Business Administration from the Wharton School, and Juris Doctor from the University of Maryland. He also is a Certified Valuation Analyst.

6/16/2021 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Central Daylight Time
Webinar Info: Please Read Look for An Email To Confirm Event Registration

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