The Dawn after Delta

Now that Delta has dawned and departed, we want to ensure that all hospital employees are safe and sound and that no employee's personal property was adversely impacted by this latest storm.  

If any member of your staff sustained damage to  personal property during the weekend (compliments of Delta), it's possible that MHA Cares can assist. 

The MHA Cares fund was set up after Katrina to assist hospital employees who suffered personal property loss during a weather episode. In the first six months of 2020, 87 employees at six different facilities have been helped by MHA Cares.  

  • To submit a nominee or to learn more about MHA Cares, contact Dawn Ard
  • If you would like to join in this effort, you can support the fund with a tax deductible donation. 

Click Here to Donate

Thank You! 

The Mississippi Hospital Association thanks each and every one of you for keeping your shoulder to the wheel during 2020 - a year of storms like no other. We are here for you.
Please let us know how we can help.