Rural Hospital Heroes’ Legacy of Caring

During hurricane Katrina 2005, after a few days of no power at home, David made the executive decision to head to Simpson General Hospital where my mother had been working since the day before the hurricane hit. All we knew is that she had an office with air and Dad knew the Dr had a cooler of cold diet Coke’s.... David, Matthew, and myself with our arms loaded with pool floats and steadily passing out cases of bottled drinks from Zip’s restaurant, we were so happy to be with power and to see Teresa. That was really my only natural disaster that I have ever lived through that made an impact on me. I saw every single hospital department stepping up to help our community who needed us, the patients who didn’t just want a cold Diet Coke but who just needed a plug in to use to have their oxygen flowing so they could live. They had beds in all different kinds of rooms, the halls, the therapy rooms and all were being taken care of to the best of their ability. Flash to yesterday's ice storm... I came to work as a Simpson General nurse with my bags packed, prepared to stay for the long haul because “back in the day” that was just what you did during hard times. Team work and love for the job, and love for the patients who end up feeling like family. Just about every employee who showed up to work was ready to do whatever necessary to help out. If some were unable to drive, then the Simpson County Sheriffs Department was one call away and more than happy to help get essential staff to work. Paul Mullins I’ve always loved and respected you, and now others can feel that same respect and love. That’s the community I love and remember growing up in. We are doing big things here in this “small hospital” and I could not be more thankful to have been raised by not only the best nurses but also fellow departments which went above and beyond to teach me. I’m still learning because I'm no Teresa Flynt Windham by any means, but I’ve got some co-workers who I would not trade for anything in this world. There’s a reason we call it the General fam. Once you’re here, you’re welcomed into a pack of people who has your back and the patients' best interest at heart. 14 year old me and 18 year old Matthew slept on a green pool float on the floor of the DON’s office on August 30 2009. Last night, 30 year old me and 33 year old Matthew slept on the floor of his office on green pool floats. The only thing I found myself missing was David beside us and Teresa with her clip board and pen out. SGH I love you, and I love my coworkers whether y’all like it or not!

❤️ Lauren Pierce, LPN