The Healthcare Preparedness Program (HPP) is a premier training and resource outlet for healthcare workers in Mississippi.  The program was created to improve medical surge capacity, community resilience and disaster readiness and response during public health emergencies.  

Since the programs’ inception in 2002, over 500 trainings and certification opportunities have been extended to healthcare workers, statewide; equipment and supplies have been purchased for medical  facilities; and collaborative partnerships have been made with local, state, federal and tribal organizations in both public and private sectors.

HPP is funded through an Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) grant CFDA#93.889 to the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) in collaboration with the Mississippi Hospital Association’s Health, Education, and Research Foundation.


Through the partnership between the MSDH and MHA-F, the Mississippi ESF-8 Healthcare Coalition (MEHC) was formed.   MEHC is the statewide Healthcare Coalition (HCC) for Mississippi.  The primary purpose of the Mississippi ESF-8 Healthcare Coalition (MEHC) is to facilitate two-way communications and information sharing between state-level partners to identify any unmet needs and to propagate a current, accurate, common operating picture during emergency responses.  Members of the MEHC are top tier decision-makers for all-hazard management within their organization. 

Finding Necessary Supplies for Healthcare

If you cannot secure necessary supplies for your healthcare facility, you should continue to submit your needs requests to your county Emergency Management Agency (EMA). If your EMA cannot fill your needs in a timely manner, you may also submit them to this email address: [email protected] to request support from the MSDH Logistics office.  Also submit your needs request to Teresa Jones at the MHA Healthcare Preparedness Program.